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Showing posts from May, 2016

Install Ruby on Rails on MAC

Hello, I am quite familliar with Apache's friend products like XAMPP, LAMPP... And this is the first time I try Ruby on Rails(RoR). I'm quite stuck on installing it. As a normal PHP guy, I first try install Rails, following this tutorial: And the next thing I want to learn about is how RoR works with MySQL, PhpMyadmin. So I tried to make it connect to XAMPP's MySQL but it did not work at all. I found out that, using mySQL in XAMPP package is not a common method, what I should do is to install MySQL as a single service onto my MAC. So I did following: 1. Install MYSQL with HomeBrew Did you install HomeBrew, if not, please follow: Next, type this command to install MySQL to your machine: $ brew install mysql This will install mysql to your computer, if the installation is success, you could try start using mySQL with this c...