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Showing posts from 2016

MySQL is running out of memory in DigitalOcean

Hey, after update from MySQL 5.5 to 5.6, my life is getting worse. There are many 'Database connection error' when I try to open my website. And I even can not access to phpMyAdmin. What's happening. OK, I turn on the SSH, connect to my server and BOOM, mysql is having 'Out of Memory' error, and everything crash. That time, I need to restart mySQL: $> sudo service mysql start Next, I need to find out how much memory is being used, because Digital Ocean does not support this feature. $>  sudo apt-get install htop $> htop Now there is my memory usage: Wow, mysqld service is consuming 48.9% memory, what!!! There are 2 things I can do: Upgrade RAM (means upgrade Dropplet) or continue to check for another solution, my VPS is 1GB RAM. Next, I check the log of mysql at /var/log/mysql:  There are alot of errors: There are some problems that we can find out: + InnoDB can not allocate memory  + InnoDB memory heap is disabled ...

Install Ruby on Rails on MAC

Hello, I am quite familliar with Apache's friend products like XAMPP, LAMPP... And this is the first time I try Ruby on Rails(RoR). I'm quite stuck on installing it. As a normal PHP guy, I first try install Rails, following this tutorial: And the next thing I want to learn about is how RoR works with MySQL, PhpMyadmin. So I tried to make it connect to XAMPP's MySQL but it did not work at all. I found out that, using mySQL in XAMPP package is not a common method, what I should do is to install MySQL as a single service onto my MAC. So I did following: 1. Install MYSQL with HomeBrew Did you install HomeBrew, if not, please follow: Next, type this command to install MySQL to your machine: $ brew install mysql This will install mysql to your computer, if the installation is success, you could try start using mySQL with this c...