Splunk is a great tool for collecting and indexing data in any kind(log files, changes, tickets, scripts…) from any sources (sensors, networks, databases, smartphones,..( Then creating index for data which then support us to analyse data or search data in the way we like it. We want to try installing Splunk on Virtual environment in order to test, try, study… And with Vagrant&Ansible we can easily save our virtual machine configuration for next time use(in case my virtual machine was broken). There is already Splunkbox by Phips on githubs for simply installing: https://github.com/phips/splunkbox 1.Download and install Virtual Box (You need a Virtual machine provider for Vagrant(Virtualbox is prefered)) https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads 2. Download and install Vagrant http://www.vagrantup.com/downloads 3. Download and install Ansible http://docs.ansible.com/intro_installation.html For MAC: https://devopsu.co...
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